Keratinized Tissue Gain with Augma Bone Cement
The patient is a healthy 52-year-old, male who presents with a fracture of #14 (5), compromising the bridge from #14 (5) to #16 (3).
This case begun before I started to use Augma, and the treatment planning included a first surgery with a sinus lift and horizontal augmentation using sticky bone with a Creos membrane and fixation with meisenger pins.
I had recently seen Dr. Michael Katzap’s presentation in Israel in 2019, concerning keratinized tissue gain using 3D Bond™.
To avoid more morbidity to the patient, resetting the mucogingival junction with a Mucograft or a strip from the palate, I decided to use Bond Apatite® because 3D Bond™ was not available at the time in Portugal.
After nine months of healing the implants were placed and simultaneously used Bond Apatite® to gain keratinized tissue around these implants.
After four months of healing, I rehabilitated these implants with Multiunits and a monolithic bridge.