Cook-Waite Carbocaine 3%

3% mepivacaine HCL to provide local anesthesia without vasoconstrictors for specific clinical situations.
Features & Benefits
Conversion opportunities (Polocaine 3%, Scandonest HCI 3%, Isocaine HCI 3%, Private Label, 4% Citanest Plain)
(50) 1.8 ml Cartridges
We can only sell this product to licensed physicians
Features & Benefits
- Formulation without vaso-constrictor for specific clinical situations.
- Fast onset: 30 to 120 seconds in the maxilla and 1 to 4 minutes for the mandible.
- Duration: will ordinarily provide pulpal anesthesia of about 20 minutes in the maxilla, and about 40 minutes in the mandible.
- No-methylparaben formulation to avoid allergic reactions on sensitive patients.
- No rubber latex components to help reduce allergic responses.
- Terminal sterilization of product/cartridges for safe use.
- Mylar label covered glass cartridges to minimize risk of wound in the event of a cartridge breakage.
- Cartridges packed 10 to a blister tray to avoid glass to glass contact, hence reducing breakage.
Conversion opportunities (Polocaine 3%, Scandonest HCI 3%, Isocaine HCI 3%, Private Label, 4% Citanest Plain)
(50) 1.8 ml Cartridges
We can only sell this product to licensed physicians
PLAIN (50 vials/bx)Without vasoconstrictorGeneric name(Mepivacaine)Conversion opportunities (Polocaine 3%, Scandonest HCI 3%, Isocaine HCI 3%, Private Label, 4% Citanest Plain) [ K202-1430735 ]
Price: $70.25