Alere Cholestech LDX Data Management Software - BioIQ
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Alere Cholestech LDX Data Management Software

Configurable Technology Solutions to Engage
Members and Achieve Population Health Goals
Alere and BioIQ are partnering with their respective proven suites of technology solutions. The BioIQ technology connects with members, provides biometric screening programs, generates lab reports, and manages wellness data that integrates with the Alere Cholestech LDX® Analyzer which provides point of care lipid and glucose testing from a fingerstick sample. The BioIQ SoftSuite Dx is a flexible platform that turns health biometrics into meaningful information, and then offers actionable options for health improvement.
BioIQ SoftSuite Dx components are embedded in your information systems and re-branded to match your requirements. The tablet functionality includes event management tools, automatic data matching, security compliance and seamless automated data transfer of results from the Alere Cholestech LDX® Analyzer ensuring an improved onsite participant screening experience. With results in five minutes, the CLIA waived Alere Cholestech LDX® System is the first choice of healthcare professionals used in thousands of physician offices, hospitals and wellness programs nationwide.

Screening Options:
- Home Kits
- Lab/Retail Pharmacy
- Personal Physician
- Onsite Event

Key Functions:
- Electronic Engagement (Email/IVR)
- Onsite Tablet Results Entry
- Alere Cholestech LDX®
- Analyzer Integration
- Real-time Event Reporting

Your Own Portal:
- Enrollment
- Selection of Screening Method
- Online Results Reporting (Employee / Employer
- Wellness Management)
- Education
- Incentive Management
- Configurable Branding
Configurable Solutions that Increase Screening Access and Engagement
- Single-sign-on (SSO) connectivity
- Data integration
- Targeted education curricula based on health results
- Automated eligibility file uploads with 100% data matching
- Incentives and outcomes tracking
- Synchronized Web/mobile health risk assessments (HRA)
- Personal health dashboards for participants (lab results, risk factors, recommendations)
- Program dashboards for administrators (participation, incentives, outcomes, health trends)
- Mobile access via smart phones and tablets
- Immediate onsite lipid and glucose results with the Alere Cholestech LDX® Analyzer
- The Alere Cholestech LDX® Analyzer integrates with the BioIQ technology
- Health coaching
Call for pricing 800.452.8909 |