HeliPlug - Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressing

Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressings for Dental Surgery are indicated for application to moist bleeding clean oral wounds created during dental surgery, to control bleeding and protect the face of the wound from further injury. Topical administration of the Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressings directly over the wound e ectively controls bleeding usually within two to ve minutes.
Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressing for Dental Surgery, are indicated for use on moist or bleeding wounds where a stabilized blood clot can help protect the surface of the wound from further injury. The Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressings are indicated during prolonged dental procedures where maintaining a clear surgical eld and ease of use are bene cial factors in treating oral wounds.
Situations where frequent aspiration is required to remove accumulated blood and execute, the Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressings can be used to dress bleeding or oozing wounds and thereby improve patient comfort. Since the Absorbable Wound Dressings can be easily removed without damaging the wound bed, they can be used as temporary dressing prior to surgical closure.
Absorbable Collagen Wound Dressings for Dental Surgery HeliPlug® are so , white, pliable, nonfriable sponges. Because of the coherent sponge structure, application of the dressings to the wound is easily controlled. The dressing retain their natural structural integrity when wet. Unwanted dispersal from the site is not encountered.
Adverse reactions reported with another micro brillar collagen hemostatic agent that were possibly related to its use were adhesion formation, allergic reaction, foreign body reaction and subgaleal seroma (report of a single case)
Since the wound dressings are collagen based products, adverse reactions experienced with another micro brillar collagen may be related.
Price: $143.75